Tips For Lighting a Firework Display

Fireworks can cause eye injuries and burns in adults and kids when not handled properly. It'll be better not to use fireworks at home, especially if you have children. Simply allow the professionals to light them or attend public fireworks displays. 

More so, using fireworks at home is illegal in some places, so check the local law first if you want to use them. Then, use these tips to light Excalibur Artillery Shells fireworks display in your home, if you must.

  • Avoid Illegal Fireworks

While trying to purchase fireworks, ensure to avoid the illegal ones. Before any fireworks touch the shelves, they must have undergone rigorous safety checks by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Therefore, it'd be best only to purchase from licensed sellers and select the models approved by the CPSC. 

Buying illegal fireworks may also cause you serious injury, earn you a ticket or jail time. 

  • Choose a Good Location

Only use the Excalibur Artillery Shells in flat, sturdy, open, and inflammable spaces. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has disclosed that about 19,500 fires were started in 2018. Thus, if you wish to use a legal firework, consider doing it in a safe area.

Don't use an area with grass, buildings, and trees to avoid catching fire. It'd be best to get a location that's flat and hard - snow, sand, bare dirt, stone, or concrete. Be mindful of noise pollution and set off fireworks to not be too loud and disturb your pets, veterans, and neighbors. 

  • Wait for the Right Weather Condition

When lighting fireworks, avoid windy days. Strong winds might push sparks into buildings, grass, trees, or neighboring houses, starting a fire. Gusts might also endanger your guests. And the worst part? They might launch in your direction or send sparks towards you. 

  • Establish a Safety Perimeter

Before launching a firework, use caution tape to establish a safety perimeter away from the spectators. While consumer-grade fireworks are smaller than mortal shells professionals use, they're still dangerous. 

If you're using an aerial firework, ensure to move the spectators 150 feet away from the launch zone. For ground-based fireworks, 35 feet away from the launch zone is okay.

  • Leave the Spot After Lighting the Fuse

Once you light the firework, leave the spot immediately. People often get hurt when they stay too close to a lit firework. Accidental injuries from a firework explosion include loss of limbs, burns, and lacerations. 

Out of approximately 10,000 firework-related injuries witnessed in 2019, more than half were burns on legs, arms, hands, and faces.

  • Drop Faulty Fireworks

Sometimes you may light a firework, and it might refuse to go off. Ensure not to relight that failed firework; it's disastrous. Instead, let duds sit for five to ten minutes before putting them in a pail of water to disarm the firework permanently and ensure it doesn't result in injury from a delayed explosion. After that, dispose of it properly.

  • Light One Firework at a Time

It'd be best if you launch your Excalibur Artillery Shells one at a time. That way, you have time to escape and avoid being near them when they explode. However, don't forget that staying too close to a firework explosion is dangerous and can result in severe injuries. 

More so, lighting your fireworks one at a time helps you savor the feeling and extend the show for as long as possible. 

  • Properly Dispose of Fireworks

When a firework refuses to go off, don't relight it or throw it into the trash can. Even successfully launched fireworks leave charred remains, so dispose of them properly. Soak them in a pail of water before throwing them away to avoid igniting other waste and causing a safety issue.

Where to Buy Quality Fireworks

If you're in PA, you can walk into our offline shop to get outstanding deals, especially if you're buying in large quantities. However, you can also visit our online store, Intergalactic Fireworks, to view our extensive list of quality fireworks and enjoy our discounts and package deals. 


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